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Season 6 Vessel of Hatred - October 8th, 2024 (US)

Diablo 4🔥 Season 4 Error code Descriptions and how to Resolve

Error↕️ Description↕️
10010 This invitation already exists.
1016 Unable to connect to Please check your network settings.
11 You are unable to play Diablo IV due to parental control restrictions applied to your account.
14400 Your login information is incorrect. Please try again.
18012 There was an error due to account owner being too young to access content.
20003 There was a problem inviting {name} into a party.
20004 The party invitation already exists.
22001 The operation failed because the game does not exist.
24000 There was an error creating the game. Please try again.
24001 There was an error adding players to the game. Please try again.
24100 The game servers are currently busy. Please try again later.
25001 The operation failed because the game does not exist.
25002 This game is full.
25004 The game servers are unavailable. Please try again later.
25005 The game servers are unavailable. Please try again later.
300001 The player has been disconnected. Please reconnect.
300002 There was an issue with the game service. Please try again.
300003 You cannot perform this action on the selected target.
300004 This feature is not yet implemented.
300008 Your request has timed out. Please try again.
300010 The operation was canceled.
300016 There was a problem retrieving the data.
300017 You are not logged in.
300027 No network connection detected.
300031 Online play is blocked.
300203 There was an internal server error.
3005 You were disconnected from the service.
3006 Your request has timed out. Please try again.
3007 Your connection to the service has timed out. Please log in again.
3014 Input limit reached. Please wait to perform more actions.
3018 You were disconnected from the service.
31004 There was a problem finding a game. Please try again.
315306 Unable to find a valid license for Diablo IV.
315308 There was a problem contacting the service.
315309 You are unable to login due to your country's age requirements for Diablo IV.
315313 Unable to fetch licenses for Diablo IV.
315404 The request to link your device to your account has expired.
316001 This name contains invalid characters.
316002 This name contains restricted or inappropriate words.
316003 A new character can't be created with the provided settings.
316005 You do not have any available character slots.
316006 This name has an invalid length.
316013 Invalid character selection. Please try a different character.
316204 There was a problem deleting the cabal {name}.
316205 Unable to create a new cabal because all slots are filled. You must delete another cabal to create a new one.
316209 There was an error selecting the cabal.
316701 This action is only available to the Party Leader.
316702 There was an error with the party action. Please try again.
316703 The selected party member was not found.
316705 Cannot join party, all members must be online before you join.
316707 The party invitation you tried to accept was canceled or removed.
316716 There is not enough space in the party.
316717 You are not in a party.
316720 This player is already in your party.
316721 The selected player was already invited to party.
316722 This invite does not exist.
316723 You are not in the party chat channel.
316736 Unable to quick join the party.
316748 Cannot join party. Your character needs to be on the same realm as the party leader. (Eternal, Eternal Hardcore, Seasonal, or Seasonal Hardcore)
316756 The party is currently locked and cannot be joined.
316757 You can't join a non-Bloodmarked party while you are flagged as Bloodmarked.
316760 The invite was to a session with an incompatible version.
316762 You are not eligible for this party's World Tier.
316763 You are unable to join the party because you have not yet completed the prologue.
319001 The clan can't be found.
319004 Player is already in a clan.
319008 Player already has an invite to the clan.
319021 Clan name already claimed.
319022 Clan contains profanity.
319023 Clan name is invalid.
319024 Clan tag is invalid.
319025 Clan description is invalid.
319026 Clan MOTD is invalid.
319045 You have too many pending clan applications.
319047 This clan has too many outstanding applications.
319053 The leader is still an active member of the clan. Unable to dethrone.
33 Server access is restricted to authorized accounts only.
332006 You do not have enough Platinum for this purchase.
332007 Your purchase could not be completed at this time.
332008 Your purchase was not completed.
332014 An unknown error occurred.
332016 An invalid currency type was used to purchase. The accepted currency type for this product may have changed recently.
332017 Purchasing this product is not allowed at this time.
332018 Product not found.
332019 Invalid token. Authentication may have failed.
332020 An invalid request was made.
332028 There was a problem please try again.
333000 There was an error loading your store catalog.
34200 Game servers are not available. Please try again later.
34202 Game servers are not available. Please try again later.
395002 Your character has not finished being saved by their current game, or your account is otherwise busy. Please wait a few minutes so we can safely log your account out, and try again.
396022 There was a problem finding servers available to ping.
397000 The lobby server is currently not available. Please double check your version.
397001 The lobby server is currently too busy.
397004 This account is already connected to the lobby server.
397006 There was a problem reaching the game network. Please check your network settings.
399008 No games are available at this time. Please retry.
40011 You can’t login due to regulatory minor game time restrictions. Please be advised to keep a balanced and healthy lifestyle while playing video games. Learn more ([https
40012 You can’t login due to regulatory minor game time restrictions. Please be advised to keep a balanced and healthy lifestyle while playing video games. Learn more ([https
40014 Sorry, you can not proceed until you pass real-name verification. Learn more ([https
5003 This account is already a friend.
5004 This account is not a friend.
5005 This friend invitation already exists.
5015 You are at the maximum number of friends. Please remove an existing friend if you would like to add more.
5016 The player who invited you is at the maximum number of friends. They must remove at least one friend to be able to accept this invitation.
522 There was an issue validating the console authentication token. This could be due to a temporary outage.
53 Your account has been suspended. Please review your account dashboard for more information.
57 Your account is currently locked.
60 Your account has been logged into from another location.
600006 A trade is already in progress.
600021 The player is too far away.
600022 An item cannot be traded when your Inventory is full
600023 The player is blocked.
600024 Action unavailable.
600025 Trading has been temporarily disabled.
600026 Cannot trade with a dead hero.
600027 Cannot trade while dead.
600030 You cannot hold that much currency
600031 Action unavailable.
700004 This season has ended and it's Battle Pass can no longer be activated. Log out to access the new season.
700005 This season has ended. Please update to the latest version to access the new season.
75 There was a problem authenticating your account.
Block_Player There was a problem blocking the player.
CharacterNameFlagged Your {c_highlight}character name{/c} was flagged as {c_highlight}inappropiate.{/c} This must be changed from the character select screen.
CharacterNameFlagged2ndTimeBody The name ‘{s1}’ was flagged as inappropriate and must be changed. \r\n\r\nNote as this is your {c_highlight}second time{/c} having your character name flagged, the next time this happens you will be {c_highlight}lose naming privileges{/c} and only able to have {c_highlight}randomized default names{/c} going forward
CharacterNameFlaggedBody You are required to enter a new name for the character ‘{s1}’. Please follow the Code of Conduct. Entering offensive content can result in the {c_highlight}loss of naming privileges{/c} or other {c_highlight}account penalties, including suspension.{/c}
CharacterNameFlaggedFinal Your {c_highlight}character name{/c} was flagged as {c_highlight}inappropiate.{/c} A random name has been given to your character.
CharacterNameFlaggedFinalTimeBody The name ‘{s1}’ was flagged as inappropiate and has been replaced \r\n\r\nNote as this is your {c_highlight}third time{/c} having your character name flagged, a random name has been applied and going forward {c_highlight}only randomized{/c} names can be used.
CharacterNameFlaggedTitle Character Name Flagged
Clan_Chat There was a problem sending the clan chat message.
Clan_Demote There was a problem demoting clan member.
Clan_Invite There was a problem inviting player to clan.
Clan_Kick There was a problem kicking clan member.
Clan_Promote There was a problem promoting clan member.
Format {message} (Code {errCode})
Friend_Favorite_Add There was a problem adding friend to favorites.
Friend_Favorite_Remove There was a problem removing friend from favorites.
Friend_Invite There was a problem sending friend invite.
Friend_Invite_20 Target is not a valid target to be a friend.
Friend_Invite_Accept There was a problem accepting the friend invite.
Friend_Invite_Decline There was a problem declining the friend invite.
Friend_Invite_Self You can't send a friend request to yourself.
Friend_Remove There was a problem removing friend.
Friend_Set_Note There was a problem setting the note.
Game_Chat There was a problem sending the game chat message.
Game_Chat_10001 Not in a valid game channel.
Game_Create There was a problem entering the game.
GENERIC There was an error.
Group_Chat There was a problem sending the group chat message.
Hero_List There was a problem getting the list of character.
Hero_Profile_300016 The profile is not currently available.
Hero_Select There was a problem selecting the character.
Join_Game Failed to join the game.
Join_Game_316616 Unable to re-enter a keyed dungeon that you left before.
Logon_Account There was a problem logging in.
Logon_Account_300008 Your login attempt has timed out. Please try again.
Party_Chat There was a problem sending the party message.
Party_Chat_10001 Not in a valid party channel.
Party_Invite There was a problem sending the party invite.
Party_Invite_316716 The party is full.
Party_Invite_316734 {Invitee} has declined your party invitation.
Party_Invite_316735 {Invitee} is already in another party.
Party_Invite_316744 The party invite has been revoked.
Party_Invite_316745 {Invitee} canceled the party join.
Party_Invite_316746 The party invitation sent to {Invitee} has expired.
Party_Invite_Accept There was a problem accepting the party invite.
Party_Invite_Accept_316767 Party invites can't be accepted during a town portal.
Party_Invite_Decline There was a problem declining the party invite.
Party_Invite_Revoke There was a problem revoking the party invite.
Party_Join_316756 Bloodmarked players cannot join a non-Bloodmarked party.
Party_Leave There was a problem leaving party.
Party_Member_Promote There was a problem promoting party member to leader.
Party_Member_Remove There was a problem removing party member.
Party_Quick_Join Unable to quick join the party.
Party_Quick_Join_300008 Quick join timed out.
Party_Quick_Join_316716 Unable to quick join because the party is already full.
Party_Quick_Join_316751 Quick join to the party is not allowed.
Party_Quick_Join_316752 Quick join to the party is not allowed.
Party_Quick_Join_316753 The player is not your friend, quick join not allowed.
Party_Quick_Join_316754 The player is queued for Looking For Party.
Party_Request_Join There was a problem requesting to join the party.
Party_Request_Join_300008 Party join request timed out.
Party_Request_Join_316758 Party join request has been declined.
Party_Request_Join_316759 Party join request was already sent.
Party_Voice_Toggle There was a problem toggling party voice chat.
Report There was an error reporting player.
TempCharacterName temp-{s1}
Trade_Chat There was a problem sending the trade message.
Unblock_Player There was a problem unblocking the player.
Whisper There was a problem sending a whisper to {playerName}.
Whisper_7000 Unable to deliver the whisper to {playerName}.
Whisper_Self You cannot whisper to yourself.

General Game Error Codes

Error↕️ Description↕️
ActionNotAllowedInPrologue You must complete the Prologue to do that.
AspectDefinitionAlreadyOnItem The target item already has this Codex of Power Aspect.
BlockedSubzone You will be teleported back if you continue.
BnetServerRestart Server restarting for updates in {s1}.
BnetServerShutdown Server shutting down in {s1}.
Bnet_PartyJoin_NoRoom There is not enough room in that party.
Bnet_PartyJoin_NotCrossplayCompatible Your cross-play setting is not compatible with the party you attempted to join.
Bnet_PartyJoin_NotFound The party you attempted to join no longer exists.
BossEncounterNotAvailable You cannot join a Boss encounter right now.
CannotDoInCoop You cannot do that in shared screen play.
CannotDoThatRightNow You cannot do that right now.
CannotDoWhenCoOpBusy You cannot do that while {s1} is busy.
CannotDoWhileDead You cannot do that while dead.
CannotDoWhileLocalCoopPlayerIsDead Can't do this while {s1} is dead
CannotDoWhileTraverse You cannot travel whilst traversing.
CannotEnchantItemQuality You cannot enchant items of this quality.
CannotEnchantItemType You cannot enchant items of this type.
CannotEnchantUniqueItem Unique items cannot be enchanted.
CannotExtractAffixFromEssenceItem That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it.
CannotExtractAffixFromImbuedItem You cannot extract from items with imprinted Aspects.
CannotExtractAffixFromItem That item cannot have Aspects extracted from it.
CannotExtractAffixFromItemWithNoAffixes You cannot extract Aspects from items that have no Legendary powers.
CannotExtractFromItemLocked Cannot extract from a favorited item.
CannotExtractFromItemWithNoExtractableAffixes You cannot extract aspects from items that have no legendary powers.
CannotImbueAffixOnItem That item cannot have Aspects imprinted on it.
CannotImbueAffixOnItemType You cannot imprint that Aspect on this item type.
CannotImbueClassRestrictedItem You cannot imprint items that are not for your current Class.
CannotImbueItemWithNoAffixes That item has no affixes that can be replaced with Aspects.
CannotPortalDuringPartySummon Cannot use a portal while being summoned by a party member.
CannotReplaceGemWithHeart You cannot replace a socketed gem with hearts. See the Jeweler to unsocket the Gem first.
CannotSummonBoss You must defeat the boss before summoning it again.
CannotTradeItemLocked Favorited items cannot be traded.
CannotUnSocket That item has no Gems to unsocket.
CannotUnsocketHeart A malignant heart can not be unsocketed. It can only be replaced with another heart.
CannotUseFromThisSide You cannot use that from this side.
ChallengerRiftCanceled You have abandoned your Trial.
ChallengerRiftCannotChangeBuild You cannot adjust your skill points, class specializations, Paragon points, or equipment at this time.
ChallengerRiftRequiredTier4 Your party must be in World Tier 4 to initiate or join Trials.
ClanNoStream There was a problem sending the clan chat message.
ClassUnavailable {c_red}Unavailable{/c}
ConnectionLost Unable to perform that action while attempting to reconnect.
ContentBlockedClanName {c_red}Content Blocked{/c}
ContentBlockedDescription You cannot view this user generated content.
ContentNotAllowedClanName {c_red}Content Blocked{/c}
ContentNotAllowedDescription This account has restrictions on viewing user generated content.
EntirePartyMustBePresent Your entire party must be present and alive to do that.
EventRewardNotAllowed That reward does not belong to you.
Helltide_Summon_Lock You do not have enough Baneful Hearts.
IAR_CannotSalvage You cannot salvage that item here.
IAR_CannotSalvageAll You have no items to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllAncestralSigils You have no Ancestral Nightmare Sigils to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllChippedGems You have no Chipped Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllCrudeGems You have no Crude Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllFlawlessGems You have no Flawless Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllGems You have no Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunk You have no items Marked as Junk to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllJunkSigil You have no sigils Marked as Junk to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllMagic You have no Magic items to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllNormal You have no Common items to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllRare You have no Rare items to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllRoyalGems You have no Royal Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllSacredSigils You have no Sacred Nightmare Sigils to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllScrap You have no scrap to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllSigils You have no Nightmare Sigils to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAllStandardGems You have no Standard Gems to salvage.
IAR_CannotSalvageAspects You cannot salvage Aspects.
IAR_CannotSalvageConsumables You cannot salvage Consumable items.
IAR_CannotSalvageEquippedItems You cannot salvage an item while it is equipped.
IAR_CannotSalvageGemmedItems All Gems must be removed from that item before it can be salvaged.
IAR_CannotSalvageLocked You cannot salvage a favorited item.
IAR_CannotSalvageQuestItems You cannot salvage Quest items.
IAR_CantEquipUnidentifiedItem You cannot equip unidentified items.
IAR_CantSocketIntoUnidentifiedItem You cannot socket into an unidentified item.
IAR_ContainerRemoveOnly You cannot place items here.
IAR_FullDurability That item does not need to be repaired.
IAR_ItemAffixBlocklisted That item has a blocklisted affix and cannot be equipped.
IAR_ItemCannotBeStashed That item cannot be stored in your Stash.
IAR_ItemNotSocketable You cannot socket into that item.
IAR_ItemRequiresSkill That item requires a Skill to be equipped.
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch1HSlot That slot can only equip a One-Handed weapon.
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HBluntSlot That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HRangedSlot That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Ranged weapon.
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatch2HSlashSlot That slot can only equip a Two-Handed Slashing weapon.
IAR_ItemTypeDoesntMatchSlot That item is the wrong type of item for this slot.
IAR_NoFreeSockets There are no empty sockets in the item. See the Jeweler to modify sockets and Gems.
IAR_NotAllowedHere That item is not allowed there.
IAR_NotEnoughRoom You do not have enough Inventory space to do that.
IAR_NotEnoughRoomStash You do not have enough Stash space in the current tab.
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemLevel You do not meet the required Level to equip that item.
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetItemRequirements You do not meet the requirements to equip that item.
IAR_PlayerDoesntMeetSocketLevel You do not meet the required Level to socket that item.
IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassForItem That item cannot be equipped by your Class.
IAR_PlayerIsWrongClassToSocketItem That item cannot be socketed by your Class.
InsufficientFunds You do not have enough Gold.
InsufficientFunds_Currency You cannot afford this item.
InsufficientFunds_GamblingCurrency You do not have enough Obols.
InsufficientFunds_GenericCurrency You cannot afford to unlock that.
InsufficientFunds_PvPCurrency You do not have enough Red Dust.
ItemCannotAddMoreThanMaxSockets That item already has the maximum number of sockets allowed.
ItemCannotBeDropped That item cannot be dropped.
ItemCannotBeDroppedLocked Favorited items cannot be dropped.
ItemCannotBeSold That item cannot be sold.
ItemCannotBeSoldLocked Favorited items cannot be sold.
ItemCannotHaveSocket That item cannot have a socket.
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgrade That item cannot be upgraded.
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoBlacksmith Armor and Weapons can only be upgraded at a Blacksmith.
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtCrafterGoJeweler Amulet and Rings can only be upgraded at a Jeweler.
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeAtVendor That item cannot be upgraded at this Vendor.
ItemCrafting_CannotUpgradeFurther You cannot upgrade this item further.
ItemCrafting_HasNotUnlockedNextUpgradeLevel You are not high enough Level to upgrade this item.
ItemCrafting_MissingReagents You do not have enough materials to craft this item.
ItemCrafting_MissingReagents_Exchange You do not have enough materials to exchange this item.
ItemCrafting_Unknown You cannot craft that item.
ItemIsUniqueEquipped You cannot equip more than one of this item.
ItemNotReady That item is not ready yet.
ItemRequired You don't have the item to do that.
ItemSelectionCancelled Item selection action has been cancelled.
ItemSocketCanOnlyHaveOneWrathfulOrb [PH] You cannot equip more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Orb
ItemSocketConditionRuneAlreadySocketed You cannot socket multiple Condition Runes on the same item.
ItemSocketConditionRuneNotAllowed This is a Condition Rune. Condition Runes must be socketed above Effect Runes.
ItemSocketEffectRuneAlreadySocketed You cannot socket multiple Effect Runes on the same item.
ItemSocketEffectRuneNotAllowed This is an Effect Rune. Effect Runes must be socketed below Condition Runes.
ItemSocketEquipUniqueRuneEquipped You cannot equip this item because it contains a Rune that is already equipped.
ItemSocketLocked You cannot socket favorited items
ItemSocketMalignantColorMismatch There is no eligible socket in the item. You can only insert a matching heart or a Wrathful heart.
ItemSocketMaxEquippedConditionRunes You cannot equip more than 2 Condition Runes.
ItemSocketMaxEquippedEffectRunes You cannot equip more than 2 Effect Runes.
ItemSocketRuneAlreadyEquipped You cannot equip more than one of this Rune.
ItemSocketRuneNotEnoughSockets Cannot socket Runes in items with fewer than 2 sockets.
ItemSocketTypeMismatch That item cannot be socketed into this type of item.
ItemSocketUniqueEquipped You cannot socket more than one of that item.
ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealth You are already at full Life.
ItemUse_AlreadyAtMaxHealthAndResource You are already at full Life and Resource.
ItemUse_Locked You cannot use favorited items.
ItemUse_NoItem You do not have the required item.
ItemUse_NotEnoughPagesToConvert You don't have enough pages to convert them into a tome.
ItemUse_NotInADungeon That item can only be used in dungeons.
ItemUse_RecipeAlreadyKnown That Recipe is already known.
ItemUse_RecipeLevelTooHigh You do not meet the required Level to learn that Recipe.
ItemUse_RecipeRarityTooLow A more powerful Tempering Recipe is already known.
ItemUse_TransmogAlreadyUnlocked You already own that cosmetic.
KeyedDungeonInsideNMD Can only use a Nightmare Sigil outside a Nightmare Dungeon.
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier2 Your party must be in World Tier 3 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil.
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier3 Your party must be in World Tier 4 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil.
KeyedDungeonRequiresTier4 Your party must be in World Tier 5 to activate this Nightmare Dungeon Sigil.
LeavingPvPCausesShardLoss Leaving the PvP area will cause you to lose all uncleansed Seeds of Hatred.
LeavingPvPShrineTurnIn Leaving the ring will result in abandoning the Extraction Ritual.
LockedChest_GamblingCurrencyKey You need a Whispering Key to open this locked chest.
LockedDoor You need a key to open this door.
LockedDoor_001 This door is locked and bears no keyholes.
Masterwork_InvalidItem You cannot Masterwork this item.
MountUpDisabled Mounts are restricted in this area.
MustImbueLegendaryOrRareItem Only Rare and Legendary items can have Aspects imprinted onto them.
NoLearnedMount You have not unlocked any Mounts.
NoPartyMembersToSummon There are no party members to summon.
ObjectInUseByAnotherPlayer Object is in use by another player
ParagonBoard_BoardCannotBeUnequipped [PH]This paragon board cannot be unequipped.
ParagonBoard_RefundAllNoPointsSpent You have no nodes to refund
ParagonBoard_RefundNodeBreaksConnection You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node.
ParagonBoard_RefundNodeNoPointsSpent You cannot refund a node that has not been unlocked.
ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardCannotAfford You do not have enough gold to unequip this board.
ParagonBoard_UnequipBoardContainingPurchasedNodes You must refund all nodes on this board before you can detach it.
PartyTownPortalNotAvailable You cannot use Town Portal until the Prologue is completed.
PetSpecializationLocked That Minion specialization is currently locked.
Pickup_AtCurrencyCap You cannot carry the additional {s1}.
Pickup_AtCurrencyCap_Local_Coop {s1} cannot carry the additional {s2}.
Pickup_BelongsToOther That item belongs to someone else and cannot be picked up.
Pickup_Failed That item cannot be picked up.
Pickup_Failed_Local_Coop That item cannot be picked up. {s1}'s inventory is full.
Pickup_NoSuitableSlot You have no place to put that item.
Pickup_NoSuitableSlot_Local_Coop {s1} has no place to put that item.
Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed You are not allowed to have more than one of that item.
Pickup_OnlyOneAllowed_Local_Coop {s1} is not allowed to have more than one of that item.
PinnedLockedDungeon You cannot pin a locked dungeon.
PowerAtFullHealth You cannot use that Skill while you are at full Life.
PowerInCooldown That Skill is not ready.
PowerInTown You cannot do that in this area.
PowerInvalidTarget That target is invalid.
PowerMissingItem You don't have the item to do that.
PowerNeedCorpse That Skill requires a Corpse.
PowerNeedsLineOfSight That Skill requires line of sight to the target.
PowerNeedTarget That Skill requires a target.
PowerNotEnoughCharges That Skill requires a Charge to use.
PowerNotEnoughComboPoints That Skill requires Combo Points to use.
PowerNotEnoughDruidCharges Not enough Wrath to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughEnergy Not enough Energy to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughEssence Not enough Essence to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughFury Not enough Fury to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughHealth Not enough Life to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughMana Not enough Mana to use that Skill.
PowerNotEnoughSpirit Not enough Spirit to use that Skill.
PowerOutOfPotions You are out of Healing Potions.
PowerRequiresWeapon That Skill requires an equipped weapon.
PowerTargetBadLocation That target location is invalid.
PowerTargetTooFar That target is too far for that Skill.
PowerUnusableGeneric That Skill is not ready.
PowerUnusableInArea You cannot do that in this area.
PowerUnusableInCombat You cannot do that while in combat.
PowerUnusableSitting You cannot use that Skill while sitting.
PowerWrongWeapon That Skill requires a different weapon.
PVPAltarCooldown Altar of Extraction is on cooldown.
QuestItemRequired You don't have the item to do that.
RareMalignantHeartLimit You cannot have more than 1 Wrathful Malignant Heart equipped.
S01_MalignantChoice_Defensive You must craft a Brutal Malignant Invoker to proceed.
S01_MalignantChoice_Offensive You must craft a Vicious Malignant Invoker to proceed.
S01_MalignantChoice_Powerful You must craft a Wrathful Malignant Invoker to proceed.
S01_MalignantChoice_Utility You must craft a Devious Malignant Invoker to proceed.
S01_Varshan You must craft an Invoker of Varshan to proceed.
S01_Varshan_WT3 You must craft a Foul Invoker of Varshan to proceed.
S01_Varshan_WT4 You must craft a Tormented Invoker of Varshan to proceed.
S02_BloodSealAlreadyEquipped This Vampiric Power is already equipped.
S02_BloodSealCannotEquip Cannot equip this Vampiric Power.
S02_BloodSealLocked Cannot equip locked Vampiric Power.
S02_CannotAddPactsToNonArmor Can only add Pacts to armor.
S02_CannotRemoveArmorPacts No Pacts to remove on this item.
S02_InsufficientFunds_BloodSealUpgradeCurrency You do not have enough Potent Blood.
S02_MaxArmorPacts This item cannot have more Pacts added.
S03_Attunement_InsufficientPearls A Pearl of Warding is required to receive Zoltun's Warding.
S03_LBD_Rift_ScoreChestLocked A key is required to open this chest.
S2_Vampzone_BloodLure_Pedestal Requires 50 Blood Lures to operate
S2_Vampzone_BloodStone_Altar Requires a Glowing Blood Stone to operate
S2_Vampzone_LockedVampireChest You need a Seeker Key to open this.
S2_Vampzone_LockedWell Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate
S2_Vampzone_SanguineAltar Requires 15 Blood Lures to operate
SideQuestLimitReached You have reached the maximum number of active Side Quests.
Skills_CantChangeWhileInCombat You cannot change your Skills while in combat.
SkillTree_BreaksNodeConnection You cannot refund a node that breaks the connection to another node.
SkillTree_InvalidatesRootNode You cannot refund a node that is required to keep a cluster unlocked.
SkillTree_NoPointsSpent You cannot refund a node that has no Skill Points invested.
SkillTree_RefundAllNoPointsSpent You have no nodes to refund
SkillTree_RespecModeInvalidTree You have broken paths in the skill tree
SkillTree_RespecModeNoPendingOperations You have no changes to confirm
SocialFeaturesDisabled This account has restrictions on communications.
SocialFriendsFailedToLoad {c_red}Failed to load friends list.{/c}
SocialWheelLeaveDungeonNotAvailable Leave Dungeon not available.
SocialWheelMountLocked You have not unlocked any Mounts.
SocialWheelMountNotAvailable Mounts are restricted in this area.
SocialWheelPlayerContextMenuNotAvailable Context menu not available at this time.
SocialWheelQuickChatNotAvailable Chat is not available at this time.
SocialWheelQuickInviteNotAvailable Party Invite is not available at this time.
SocialWheelQuickTradeNotAvailable Trade is not available at this time.
SocialWheelTownPortalLocked Town Portal not Available.
SocialWheelZonePVPFlagged That action is not available at this time.
SocialWheelZonePVPFlaggedNeedCleansing You are already marked. Find the Altar of Cleansing {icon
SocialWheelZonePVPNonPremium A premium account is required for that action.
SocialWheelZonePVPNotInZone You must be in a PvP territory to perform that action.
Temper_CannotRerollCategory This item cannot reroll affixes with the selected recipe.
Temper_GenericError You cannot Temper this item.
Temper_ItemNotEquippable Only equippable items can be Tempered.
Temper_LegacyItem Legacy items cannot be Tempered.
Temper_MaxCount This item has reached its Temper Reroll limit.
Temper_UnsupportedItemQuality Only Rare and Legendary items can be Tempered.
Temper_WrongItemType The selected Tempering Recipe cannot be used on this item type.
TownPortalNotAllowedInPrologue You cannot Town Portal until the Prologue is completed.
TradeChatSpamError You need to wait before you can send another message to this channel.
Trial_PartyMemberStopped A party member stopped the Challenge Rift
Trial_PartySizeChanged The Challenge Rift stopped because the party size changed
VesselOfHatred_Altar_Disabled You cannot use that while Hatred's Chosen.
WaypointAccessError You must interact with a Waypoint in the world to access Waypoint travel.
WaypointNotActive The destination Waypoint has not been discovered.
WaypointNotAllowedInPrologue You cannot use Waypoints until the Prologue is completed.
WithdrawOnly You cannot store item in this stash tab because it's withdraw only.
WorldTiers_PartyWarning Only the party lead can change World Tiers.
WorldTierUnavailable World Tier is unavailable due to outstanding party invites.
WrongSlotErrorMessage That stone is the wrong type for this slot.

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