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New World: Aeternum Release Countdown - October 15th, 2024

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ThreeFactions_Body_01_01The Spark… perhaps we are not worthy of it, after all. I view the Lost, as they go about their days in perfect harmony… no concerns, no worries, no need for conflict or violence save for those that wish to do them harm.

Is this what we are meant to learn from Aeternum? To become Lost is the way to find the true path? I shall meditate on this, and seek guidance.
ThreeFactions_Body_02_01"Keep Faith"

Shall we rejoice? Humankind's oldest enemy is gone: Death is dead. We have reached the promised land...yet there are some who call it a false promise. 'This land seeks our ruin', they cry, but even more dangerous are the enemies within: moral weakness blinds us to the truth. Those who live in the dark can never recognize Paradise.

But where eyes fail, faith sees. The Covenant carries the Spark. In our time of need, the Spark carries us. Its clarity is our greatest gift. We bring the light of the Spark to the darkest corners. We keep it shining, at any cost, against any foe. And one day, it will shine bright enough to reveal Paradise itself.
ThreeFactions_Body_02_02"Reach Exceeding"

All worlds are bound by certain natural laws; a scientist's job is to know them. Thanks to Newton, we now know that the small echoes the large; the song of the spheres is the same tune as a falling apple. With the microscope came knowledge of invisible life, too small to see, yet all around us. These discoveries didn't change the world, because they have always been true. But they changed us, humankind. We have grown. Knowledge is transformative, creation's most powerful force.

There is so much we still don't know about Aeternum. Why don't people die? What animates the Lost? Who were the Ancients? We must ask questions to find answers. We have just scratched the surface of the secret depths this place holds. It must be studied and understood, regardless of the cost. And once we understand reality, we can start to improve it.

All rational beings are welcome in the Syndicate. Join us. Help us draw back the veil.
ThreeFactions_Body_02_03"No Barriers"

Let's keep this short. We're the Marauders. We don't make fancy speeches. We don't need preachy causes. The only thing we need is ourselves.

This island is stuffed with opportunities, for people of ambition. People who take what they want. Riches, power, respect. You want these things too, don't you? Everyone does. We're just honest enough to admit it.

Nothing is fair. Nothing has meaning outside the meaning you give it. Embrace it! We are the masters and mistresses of our domain!

It's a brutal world out there. Don't be a victim. Be a Marauder.

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